Friday, February 13, 2015

Other High School Newspapers

1. What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why? 

The October edition of The Lake is my favorite newspaper cover because I like the graphics behind the subject. I think it was an interesting to choice of placement and I also like how they matched the color of the graphic with the text on the cover also.

2. Which paper immediately grabbed your interest? Why?

The 3rd issue of The Muse from Dreyloos School Of The Arts grabbed my interest because of the photo on the front cover. It rose many questions on why woman had a medical mask on and what the article pertaining to the picture was about. The text was small so I had to click to see what it was about. It really pulled me to "Pick Up" the newspaper.

3. What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it?

"The Body As A Canvas" my favorite headline because it real caught my attention. I like tattoos and I agree with opinions of the people interviewed in the article, that tattoos are a way to express something you love. My brother and sister both have tattoos and I plan on getting one.

4. How many stories are on the front page of your favorite? 


5. What do you notice that all newspaper front pages have in common? Look at design, size of photos, size of story text, etc.

All of the titles are at the to or are on the top left corner of the newspaper. There is usually one main photo or graphic on the cover that pertains to an article or story in the paper. All of the newspapers say the school name, date, address, phone number, and issue number.

6. What are things that vary (or are different) on the front pages of different newspapers? Look at design, size of photos, size of headlines, etc. 

Some papers have a cover page so the newspaper is book like and some have a long page with multiple stories like an actual newspaper. The title fonts vary between issues of newspapers and where the cover story caption is placed also varies.

7. Were these similar to what you saw last class when you looked at daily newspapers from around the world? 

They all have a title, newspaper name, a large picture with a story, the date, and issue number.

Broadsheets: Verve, The Growl, The View

Tabloid: Talisman, The Eagle's Eye, Raven Report

NewsMagazine: Panorama, The Express, Tiger Notes

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