Friday, November 21, 2014

Fashion Photography

1. The photo editors lengthen and thin out her neck, raise her head and make her eyes and eyebrow a lot larger than they are to defines her eyes and face. The editors also thin out he face a lot to get a longer look of her face.

2. The editors lengthen the models legs to give her a longer body so she can fill the clears frame. along with that, they thin out her stomach and legs to make a more defined shape of her body.They raise her neck, bleach her skin and hair

3. In this video, they trimmed the model's butt and stomach to make them look much smaller. Since her bust was way too far out, they had to push it back to fit with her edited stomach. Changes were also made to the model's skin. Where she had stretch marks or cellulite, the editor cleared the marks away to make her skin look smooth. Hair was also added to the model's head and her face was thinned out after the hair was added.

4. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like these in a photo? Why or why not?
No. Making changes like this to a person's appearance can hurt them. Being changed is not something people want. Editing them makes them think they aren't good enough not to be edited. Edits like these also give a false image of beauty to the society we live in and make people feel bad about themselves. Changes like these don't just affect the models but also the viewers of the ads and billboards that these models are put on. 
5. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation?
When editing others. People don't want to be shown a "better" version of themselves. It makes them feel ugly and unimportant. it's just wrong. 
6. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?
Removing blemishes, addition of light and small alterations to skin tone color. Changes to body size and/or facial structure and look aren't okay because the picture won't be of the person anymore. 
7. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.
Fashion Photography has to deal with looks and image. In that line of photography, photographer are focused on the attractiveness of the model or what they're taking a picture of. In Photojournalism the basis is surrounded by the idea of documenting the raw truth. A photojournalist isn't concerned with the attractiveness of the model or subject because thats not what their goal is. They want to tell a story with their photos and a lot of times the photojournalist wants the exact opposite of what a fashion photographer wants. 
8. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each?
Fashion photography gives a false image of beauty to society and a lot of times it leaves people feeling unattractive because they see these models and they think "why can't I be that attractive" not knowing that that model was run through hours of photoshop work. because the fashion industry isn't ethical with their photos is leave the photography of fashion in a bad relation ship with society. Photojournalism is a type of photography that uses photography to capture reality and document it. Photojournalist have to be a lot more ethical because to have a photo that's not ethical can ruin their reputation. Because photojournalists are more ethical than fashion photographers, it leaves them in good standing with society. 
9. Why do you think I am showing you these three videos?
To explain that even though our subject isn't perfect, the photograph can still be a good one and we don't have to edit our photos unethically to have a good photograph. 
10. Why are none of these videos about guys???
Guys don't care as much about their image as girls do. Women care about what they look like and are much more susceptible to this kind of unethical editing because there is a clearer idea of what a perfect woman should look like than a man. 

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