Thursday, December 18, 2014


1. Explain what happened to the man that was killed by the subway and how the photographer was able to take the photo. 
The man was pushed on the tracks by a pan handler who had been harassing people. He had tried to calm the pan handler down and was pushed. The photographer was able to take the photo because he was trying to use his flash to get the train's attention to stop.
2. Why did the photographer say he took the photo?
He said he was trying to warn the train's operator.
3. Do you think the photographer should have taken the photo?
I don't think the photographer should've taken the photo because it's not morally okay. Going to save the man would've been more beneficial to the man's well being than trying to warn the train's operator.
4. Do you think the photographer did the best thing he could have done in this situation? Why or why not?
no! The photographer knew the man was going to die. I just don't know how anyone could ever take a photo like that and justify it to be okay. It's not okay to take a picture of someone going to their death. It's like extreme version of America's Funniest home videos…..except it's not funny at all.
5. Do you agree or disagree with the decision to run the photo on the front page of the New York Post? Explain why or why not. 
Disagree. When you run something like that I think to have to understand how it must feel as a family member of a loved one to see that. Again, it's not the right thing to do at all. If you think that's okay, then you don't have a moral compass.
6. What is more important to a photojournalist, capturing images of life as it happens or stopping bad things from happening? Why or why not?
capturing images. When you're a photojournalist, you have to understand that that's your job is to capture thing that happen good or bad. I might not agree with that but that is what being a photojournalist is about. It's in the job description.
7. Do you think it is ever ethically acceptable for a photographer to involve himself/herself in a situation that he or she photographs? Explain why or why not.
yes but to a certain extent. When a photographer is shooting something that is not any of their business and doesn't involve someone getting hurt, then no. But if someone's life is at stake then the photographer needs to do the right thing. They should do it because it's the right thing to do and they should know that. I mean as an adult you should know what's acceptable to do and what's not. again, it really just has to do with morality.
8. Should photojournalists always avoid influencing events as they happen? Explain your answer. 
No because sometimes photojournalists can save lives and help people. They shouldn't just stand there and take photos when they can help.
9. After reading the responses from the professional photographers, what stands out as the most appropriate response for a photographer to this situation.

To own up to what they did and recognize that they either think they did the right thing or they know they did the wrong thing not make up an excuse to justify their actions.

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