Thursday, December 18, 2014

Final: Review


In the afternoon, young musician Mark Evan plays Mozart's Concerto in G on trumpet in the forest to practice for his upcoming performance. Evans has been featured in many orchestras around the world as a child prodigy.

The country singer Taylor Swift plays on the piano in her childhood home when she comes back from her RED tour. Taylor played on same piano everyday after school until in 2005, when her family moved to florida.


1. Rule of thirds: Rule of thirds gives the photo a relaxed look and makes the subject look positioned in a natural state. when you separate the view finder into 9 rectangles, you want to position the subject in the top or bottom corners where 4 boxes connect.
2. Balancing Elements: By balancing the subject and the things in the photo, the photographer can give the viewer a more pleasing image.
3. Leading Lines: having leading lines in a photograph to a subject or just in general will make the subject more prominent and will give the photograph more definition.
4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition): having repetition throughout the photo.
5. Viewpoint: Taking the photo from a high POV or Low POV. Gives the photo more levels.
6. Background: Having a plain background so that the focus of the photo is on the subject.
7. Create depth:Having the subject in the background as opposed  to the foreground of the photo.
8. Framing: Having objects in photo surround the subject to emphasize the importance of the subject.
9. Cropping: Cutting out parts of the photo to emphasize the subject
10. Mergers and avoiding them: Having something in the foreground of the photo interacting with something in the background. Avoid these by checking the background when you take photos and having a plain background.


Aperture: The size of the opening of the lens. This affects the brightness of the photo and how much light is let in when you take a photo. Measured in f stops. Higher f stop the smaller the aperture.
Shutters Speed: how long the aperture is exposed to light. Effects exposure, sharpness, and can cause picture to be blurry. Measure in seconds or fractions of seconds.
ISO: controls the light sensitivity. Affects the quality of the photo. lower the ISO, the less sensitive and the better quality your photo will have.


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