Thursday, September 25, 2014

Unusual And Interesting Photos: Part 1

1. I really do not like any of these photos at all. They give me a headache. I think it was good and well though out idea but the execution of the idea wasn't as good as maybe the photographer thought it was going to be. 

2. It looks like photographer took the same 3 pictures, turned 2 of them and then faded the 2 on photoshop. Then, he layered them on top of each other sung the merge tool. 

3. Some buildings that would be cool to do this on are the Empire State Building, The 9/11 Memorial Tower, UT tower, and the Frost Bank Tower. 

Academic Shoot Preview

 The Story:

By using the rule of thirds, the photographer was able to make the two boys the subjects of the photo. This creates a feeling that the story if this photograph is about them. The frame  of the picture is filled so that the viewer can have a wide imagination of where they are, and what they are building. The photo is titled "Helping Others, One Nail at a Time," which implies that they are doing so sort of community service. I think that a natural disaster has occurred and houses and buildings were destroyed. Maybe the boys are from a school club or society like NJHS that does service so they went to the town to help repair and build houses. 

Action And Emotion:

This Photograph also uses the rule of thirds to make the picture seem more natural and to have the viewer focus on the subjects. The action is shown through the liquid spaying through the air and filling the empty space around the two girls. The filling of the empty space also helps the photograph's balance. The emotion is portrayed through the facial expressions on the two girl's faces. The one on the left has a look of amazement and the one on the right is laughing. The two girls and the liquid add more life to the photograph.

Filling the Frame:

The picture above fills the frame by having the two lines of people on either side and the bags on the bottom of the photo. The photographers choice to take this picture vertically helped his composition and balance. The right line of people is balanced by the people on the left and the bags are equally balanced by the buckets. Overall the picture is a well thought out and composed photograph. 

Academic And Community Service:

1. My favorite photo is the one that is a birds eye view of a boy sitting on the floor of a library reading SAT and ACT study books. This is my favorite because I think it's the most creatively taken out of all of them. It also correctly represents school and the amount of stress and studying students have to do. 

2. The aspects of balance, lines, and simplicity are all evident in this photo. Balance is shown through the way that the books are scattered and how the bookshelves are placed evenly in the picture. Lines are represented by the books and the fisheye lens used turns them a little diagonally to make the photo more dynamic. Simplicity is also in the photo by the boy being set set against a solid color background and the shapes in the photographs are very basic also (squares and rectangles).

1. I think I could take pictures like the ones I saw today in AP science classes, the library, and maybe the PALS class. 

2. I would like to take pictures in chemistry classes when they do labs and the library when kids study and work. 

3. I will think of the rules of photography before I even take a picture. I will be observant about small details in my photos that may ruin the photograph. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

    A. The article talks about how many people have photoshopped and manipulated political pictures to make their photos better. The offenses have a common theme of april fools with conveys the trickery in the edited photos. The main lesson readers learn from this article is that manipulating photographs is ethically wrong. 

   B. I think manipulating photographs is wrong because you're taking credit for something that you didn't actually take. Also, in a lot of cases you're proving something that never happened. 


I think this photo is the most unethical because of what it portrays and what it is inferring about the army soldier. In the original photo the man and his child were in the background but they manipulated it so they were in the same plane as the soldier and his gun. BY looking at the first photograph, it looks like the soldier was protecting these refugees and that he had good intentions. But by looking at this photo, it portrays that the soldier has harmful intentions and that he wants to hurt these people.

I wouldn't consider his photograph unethical because the editor just added an effect to the picture. The effect makes the magazine catch the eye, makes the story seem more interesting and overall fits the tone of the title. The manipulation doesn't affect how the man is perceived so it has done nothing morally wrong to the photograph.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Post Shoot Reflection

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos of your first 4 prompts (Square, Metal, Happy, Bowie)

I had problems with creativity when shooting for Square and Bowie. I didn't want to just take a picture of the school or take a picture of a square tile I wanted something not everybody would do. The other problem I had was time. I didn't have enough time to get the best picture possible. I would be worried about time and then rush so you can tell by certain pictures which ones were rushed and which ones weren't.

2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly.

I thought about focus and position of the subject most. With one of my photos, I took a picture of a flower with flowers in the background. I took 2. One was focused on the flower in the front and the other was focuses on the flowers in the back. With another photo, I took a picture of a butterfly and I waited until the butterfly was in a good position with its wings spread to get the right picture.

3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography?

I would probably focus more on the lines, and framing aspect of the photographs. I didn't really focus on those and they could've really made my photos more dynamic and interesting.

4. What things would you do the same?

I would definitely do my position of the subject the same along with my focus because I think those were the stingiest parts of my photos.

5. Finally - go back and edit your blogs with the 4 photos (square, metal, happy, Bowie), tell me what rules of composition (which you just learned about) did you end up actually achieving? Did you have any?

I ended up achieving all except framing and balance. The lines in my Metal, Bowie, and Square Photos were all vey apparent, and the rule of thirds was very much present in my happy photo.

6. Are you interested in shooting those same prompts again, why?

I am not interested in the same prompts because I wouldn't enjoy taking the same kinds of pictures again so I feel like the pictures wouldn't be as good as this time. I do enjoy the vastness of possibilities that there are with these prompts.


I love how bright and colorful and bright the photos are

I like the focus of the "Bowie PIcture"


Try to angle and view the pictures so you can see more. (Move the camera up so  you can see the whole rail in "bowie" and move the camera so you can see the whole front of the flower in "happy"

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Reaction: Falling Man

The article about the "Falling man" in Esquire is now trying to be tied with the TV show Mad Men's new poster. I think that bloggers are trying to start something just for the sake of starting something and i also think its a terrible to do that especially with something that is so sad as 9/11. M deepest regards go to the "Falling Man's" wife Eulogia Hernandez. It must be terrible to be reminded that your loved one is dead every time you see that article. But at least we use him as a symbol of remembrance to the terrible day. Esquire now charges money for the Falling Man article to be read on their website and I think thats great because the money goes to a scholarship fund that is for the photojournalist that was murdered by ISIS. What esquire is doing is vey kind and will hopefully work.


This photo acts as a merger because of the people in the left that have been cut off. By possibly turning the camera horizontally and moving back a little the photographer could've fixed this.


The photo above is an example of framing because the subjects has almost all the sides of the picture surrounding him. The shops of the streets act as the side frames and the ash on the grounds act as the bottom part of the frame.


This photo shows balance because the whole photo is filled up by the two different interests in the picture (The girl and New York). The weight is equal on both sides because the two subjects are evening each other out.


In the photo, the lines from the structure of the building makes the picture more interesting and catching. The lines also make the photo dynamic because they are tilted and somewhat diagonal.

The Rule Of Thirds

I feel that this photo fits the rule of thirds because the subject (helicopter) is in the top left of the imaginary tic tak toe box. The helicopter also has room to move which is also a rule of thirds.


The photograph above shows simplicity because the picture is zoomed in so much that the subjects are the only thing that the viewer can see. The background also doesn't have any full faces in it so it can't take the viewers attention away from the subjects.

Monday, September 15, 2014

National Geographic

1. Tell me why this is your favorite photo (write at least 3 sentences)

A. This is my favorite photo because the photographer was able to make an effect where the outside of the train and the inside of the train looked like two completely different photos. I like the time warp effect that the photographer was able to capture of the street. This photo also reminds me of a city and the lights and cars flying by which is also another reason it is my favorite.

2. Think about your world, what photo would you take to submit to this photo contest?

A. I would take pictures of the ACL festival because that is a unique thing we have in Austin and I think the photo would turn out great.

Touching People

1. What do you think about this project and photo essay?

A. The idea of the project was smart and well thought out but the pictures that were taken weren't very well thought out. 

2. What would you do if someone approached you with a camera and asked you to participate in a photo shoot and then asked you to touch a stranger?

A. I would definitely do it! that would be so much fun to participate in a project so abstract and weird.  

3. Think of an unusual photo shoot similar to this one that you think would be fun to go and shoot.

A. I think a good photo short would be to dress certain people all in different colors. (one person in all red, other in all blue, etc.) and have them go around the town or school and take pictures of them interacting with people and see the peoples reactions to the people.

4. Finally, tell me what you thought of the photography, are the photos good? Do you like looking at them?

A. I do not think the photographs were good. I thought the people were placed awkwardly in a way that comfortable people would even touch each other. The facial expressions of the people were weird and monotone and it was very unpleasing to look at and I found myself wanting to look away from the photos at times.

Top 40 Photos

Justin Lane-Pool / Getty Images

1. What made you pick the photo?

A. 9/11 has recently passed and I have learned so much about it in school and from my parents so it's something that stuck out to me in the photos. I also go to new york every summer and visit the memorial. 

2. Is there anything about the composition of the photo (this means how the photographer set the photo up in their view finder, NOT the content of the photo) that made your eyes gravitate to the photo?

A. The photographer composed the picture so that the sunlight reflected off the stone of the memorial. The bright light caught my eye. 

3. Why do you think this photo made the cut of the top 40 photos ever?

A. This photograph really shows the depression that many people went through when they lost their loved ones in the 9/11 tragedy. To show someone who comes back to mourn for a loved one is really moving. I think the realness of the photograph is what made it make the top 40 photos. 

Vanderlei Almeida / Getty Images

1. What made you pick the photo?

A. I chose this picture because I love dogs and how loyal they. This photograph goes with the saying that "A dog is a man's best friend." This dog displays his loyalty to his owner by staying with his owner even after he has passed away. It's all very inspirational. 

2. Is there anything about the composition of the photo (this means how the photographer set the photo up in their view finder, NOT the content of the photo) that made your eyes gravitate to the photo?

A. The photographer composed the photo in a way so that the viewer can see how many graves were dug, but the viewer can also see how many people were buried. The man being the only one, puts the focus on the dog and the grave making it an eye catcher. 

3. Why do you think this photo made the cut of the top 40 photos ever?

A. The photo really says something about dogs and how they have feeling of love and loyalness. the photograph overall is very moving. 


1. What made you pick the photo?

A. I love animals. To see someone with an emotional attachment to an animal make me happy and it's an amazing thing to see. This man is brought to tears when he finds out his dog is still alive and he is reunited to him again. 

2. Is there anything about the composition of the photo (this means how the photographer set the photo up in their view finder, NOT the content of the photo) that made your eyes gravitate to the photo?

A. The way the photographer composed the picture makes it seem like a screen shot of real life (Which it is). The way the man, dog, and rescuer are positioned make the photo look more down to earth.

3. Why do you think this photo made the cut of the top 40 photos ever?

A. The photo shows the "Man and animal" relationship that often gets broken when natural disaster hit like the tsunami in Japan. But the real inspirational thing is when the animal and the owner get reunited. This photograph shows the feeling of relief and happiness the man has. 

Prompt Shoot 1





Warm Up: 9-15-14

1. I believe that this idea was genius. It makes you look at the picture in a different way and also makes you think about what you're looking at.

2. Yes. I had no idea what I was seeing at first but my eyes eventually adjusted and I realized that they were faces upside down.

3. I've always though flipping pictures to how something else was a unique idea i have just never done it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Great Black and White Photographers Part Two

Eugène Atget was a French Photographer and documented architecture and street scenes in Paris. He was born on February 12, 1857 and died on august 4, 1927. Atget was raised by his grandparents after his parents died around 1862. Later in life, he persued acting and became an actor with a traveling group and traveled around paris. Because of a vocal infection, Atget quit acting and tried to be a painter in the provinces but he failed. He then moved back to paris and became a professional photographer. Atget had almost no published work until he died and was published in Atget, Photographe de Paris in 1930. Most of his work were documentations of paris before it became modernized. Through his photos he showed the beauty and simplicity of paris.

The Camera

The Camera:
1. The camera obscura effect is when a tiny hole is on the wall of a dark room. light is focused through the whole and the image is projected upside down on the opposite wall. The hole is like a lens; projecting and focusing light on a wall.

2. The invention of the glass lens is an invention that helped  man get a step closer to creating the modern camera.

3. A glass lens, a dark box and film made up the first modern camera.

4. In a digital camera, Light passes through the lens, into the camera, and exposes the film just like the fist modern camera.

5. Digital cameras capture the images with an electronic sensor called a CCD replacing plastic film.

Camera Modes:

1. In auto mode, the camera will completely control flash and exposure. In program, the user has control of flash and other camera settings.

2. Portrait mode is used to take portraits. To attempt to blur out the background, camera will try to use the fastest available lens setting.

3. Sports mode is used for taking pictures of moving things. so the camera uses highest shutter speed possible.

Half Press:

1. the half press gives you: faster camera response time, more control over focus, encourages better composition

Controlling Flash:
1. disabled flash. use this when you have natural light or if you have enough light. 

2. auto flash. the camera will flash when it thanks you need light. 

Introduction to Exposure:
1. The photo will be washed out.

2. The photo will be too dark

1. Used to measure relative changes in light. 

2. 1

3. 2

Shutters and Aperture:
1. More Light

2. Less Light 

3. How much light gets to the film

4. Open the aperture to increase the amount of light

Friday, September 5, 2014

Great Black and White Photography: Master of Photography

Eugene Atget-------------

-------------Ansel  Adams

Walker Evans---------------

First Day Photos

Worst Picture

I disked the picture on the right because it doesn't show the model's face. It was also taken when she was moving so there is a blur on her left hand. Her hand position was also in a weird place so her hands look almost robot like.  I picked this photo because it was the one photo that had the most blur and the model is in an awkward position.

Best Picture

I liked the picture on the left because it was showing a real laugh. Outside of the picture someone made a joke and the model laughed. It gives the picture a warm feeling of happiness that makes the viewer smile just by looking at it. I picked this picture because I like how the model is placed in the picture so that she is the main focus but she is not right in the center of the shot.

Models: Alyssa (Top) and Bryn (Bottom)