Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Camera

The Camera:
1. The camera obscura effect is when a tiny hole is on the wall of a dark room. light is focused through the whole and the image is projected upside down on the opposite wall. The hole is like a lens; projecting and focusing light on a wall.

2. The invention of the glass lens is an invention that helped  man get a step closer to creating the modern camera.

3. A glass lens, a dark box and film made up the first modern camera.

4. In a digital camera, Light passes through the lens, into the camera, and exposes the film just like the fist modern camera.

5. Digital cameras capture the images with an electronic sensor called a CCD replacing plastic film.

Camera Modes:

1. In auto mode, the camera will completely control flash and exposure. In program, the user has control of flash and other camera settings.

2. Portrait mode is used to take portraits. To attempt to blur out the background, camera will try to use the fastest available lens setting.

3. Sports mode is used for taking pictures of moving things. so the camera uses highest shutter speed possible.

Half Press:

1. the half press gives you: faster camera response time, more control over focus, encourages better composition

Controlling Flash:
1. disabled flash. use this when you have natural light or if you have enough light. 

2. auto flash. the camera will flash when it thanks you need light. 

Introduction to Exposure:
1. The photo will be washed out.

2. The photo will be too dark

1. Used to measure relative changes in light. 

2. 1

3. 2

Shutters and Aperture:
1. More Light

2. Less Light 

3. How much light gets to the film

4. Open the aperture to increase the amount of light

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