Friday, September 19, 2014

Post Shoot Reflection

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos of your first 4 prompts (Square, Metal, Happy, Bowie)

I had problems with creativity when shooting for Square and Bowie. I didn't want to just take a picture of the school or take a picture of a square tile I wanted something not everybody would do. The other problem I had was time. I didn't have enough time to get the best picture possible. I would be worried about time and then rush so you can tell by certain pictures which ones were rushed and which ones weren't.

2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly.

I thought about focus and position of the subject most. With one of my photos, I took a picture of a flower with flowers in the background. I took 2. One was focused on the flower in the front and the other was focuses on the flowers in the back. With another photo, I took a picture of a butterfly and I waited until the butterfly was in a good position with its wings spread to get the right picture.

3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography?

I would probably focus more on the lines, and framing aspect of the photographs. I didn't really focus on those and they could've really made my photos more dynamic and interesting.

4. What things would you do the same?

I would definitely do my position of the subject the same along with my focus because I think those were the stingiest parts of my photos.

5. Finally - go back and edit your blogs with the 4 photos (square, metal, happy, Bowie), tell me what rules of composition (which you just learned about) did you end up actually achieving? Did you have any?

I ended up achieving all except framing and balance. The lines in my Metal, Bowie, and Square Photos were all vey apparent, and the rule of thirds was very much present in my happy photo.

6. Are you interested in shooting those same prompts again, why?

I am not interested in the same prompts because I wouldn't enjoy taking the same kinds of pictures again so I feel like the pictures wouldn't be as good as this time. I do enjoy the vastness of possibilities that there are with these prompts.


I love how bright and colorful and bright the photos are

I like the focus of the "Bowie PIcture"


Try to angle and view the pictures so you can see more. (Move the camera up so  you can see the whole rail in "bowie" and move the camera so you can see the whole front of the flower in "happy"

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