Monday, September 15, 2014

Top 40 Photos

Justin Lane-Pool / Getty Images

1. What made you pick the photo?

A. 9/11 has recently passed and I have learned so much about it in school and from my parents so it's something that stuck out to me in the photos. I also go to new york every summer and visit the memorial. 

2. Is there anything about the composition of the photo (this means how the photographer set the photo up in their view finder, NOT the content of the photo) that made your eyes gravitate to the photo?

A. The photographer composed the picture so that the sunlight reflected off the stone of the memorial. The bright light caught my eye. 

3. Why do you think this photo made the cut of the top 40 photos ever?

A. This photograph really shows the depression that many people went through when they lost their loved ones in the 9/11 tragedy. To show someone who comes back to mourn for a loved one is really moving. I think the realness of the photograph is what made it make the top 40 photos. 

Vanderlei Almeida / Getty Images

1. What made you pick the photo?

A. I chose this picture because I love dogs and how loyal they. This photograph goes with the saying that "A dog is a man's best friend." This dog displays his loyalty to his owner by staying with his owner even after he has passed away. It's all very inspirational. 

2. Is there anything about the composition of the photo (this means how the photographer set the photo up in their view finder, NOT the content of the photo) that made your eyes gravitate to the photo?

A. The photographer composed the photo in a way so that the viewer can see how many graves were dug, but the viewer can also see how many people were buried. The man being the only one, puts the focus on the dog and the grave making it an eye catcher. 

3. Why do you think this photo made the cut of the top 40 photos ever?

A. The photo really says something about dogs and how they have feeling of love and loyalness. the photograph overall is very moving. 


1. What made you pick the photo?

A. I love animals. To see someone with an emotional attachment to an animal make me happy and it's an amazing thing to see. This man is brought to tears when he finds out his dog is still alive and he is reunited to him again. 

2. Is there anything about the composition of the photo (this means how the photographer set the photo up in their view finder, NOT the content of the photo) that made your eyes gravitate to the photo?

A. The way the photographer composed the picture makes it seem like a screen shot of real life (Which it is). The way the man, dog, and rescuer are positioned make the photo look more down to earth.

3. Why do you think this photo made the cut of the top 40 photos ever?

A. The photo shows the "Man and animal" relationship that often gets broken when natural disaster hit like the tsunami in Japan. But the real inspirational thing is when the animal and the owner get reunited. This photograph shows the feeling of relief and happiness the man has. 

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