Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

    A. The article talks about how many people have photoshopped and manipulated political pictures to make their photos better. The offenses have a common theme of april fools with conveys the trickery in the edited photos. The main lesson readers learn from this article is that manipulating photographs is ethically wrong. 

   B. I think manipulating photographs is wrong because you're taking credit for something that you didn't actually take. Also, in a lot of cases you're proving something that never happened. 


I think this photo is the most unethical because of what it portrays and what it is inferring about the army soldier. In the original photo the man and his child were in the background but they manipulated it so they were in the same plane as the soldier and his gun. BY looking at the first photograph, it looks like the soldier was protecting these refugees and that he had good intentions. But by looking at this photo, it portrays that the soldier has harmful intentions and that he wants to hurt these people.

I wouldn't consider his photograph unethical because the editor just added an effect to the picture. The effect makes the magazine catch the eye, makes the story seem more interesting and overall fits the tone of the title. The manipulation doesn't affect how the man is perceived so it has done nothing morally wrong to the photograph.

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