Friday, September 5, 2014

First Day Photos

Worst Picture

I disked the picture on the right because it doesn't show the model's face. It was also taken when she was moving so there is a blur on her left hand. Her hand position was also in a weird place so her hands look almost robot like.  I picked this photo because it was the one photo that had the most blur and the model is in an awkward position.

Best Picture

I liked the picture on the left because it was showing a real laugh. Outside of the picture someone made a joke and the model laughed. It gives the picture a warm feeling of happiness that makes the viewer smile just by looking at it. I picked this picture because I like how the model is placed in the picture so that she is the main focus but she is not right in the center of the shot.

Models: Alyssa (Top) and Bryn (Bottom)

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