Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. Tell me which amusement park featured in the two articles that you would like to visit and take your camera along and what about that park made you want to go there. Write at least a paragraph.
If I could visit a amusement park in these articles I would choose the one in Prypiat, ukraine because it seem the most mysterious. I've always though Chernobyl was so interesting so seeing the amusement park that was effected by it would be zoo cool. It also seems kind of dangerous because of the nuclear levels that are still up there. The fact that people can only be in the town for a few hours at a time would give a thrill to be there.  Also, since the town was evacuated I think it would be awesome to see how the amusement park was left.

2. Post one photo from that park. You may use 

the photos from the link, or you can google an entirely new photo. I would prefer to see a photo of the park in disrepair and not a photo of it when it was still operating.

3. Think of at least FIVE other unusual places you think would be of interest to photographers. List them.
1. The Devil's bridge
2. The Rock Of Guatape 
3. Gloworm Caves
4. The Minister's Tree house
5. Moon Bridge In Taiwan

4. Use google or another search engine to research ONE of your five places and see if anyone has already started documenting that place. If you find that someone has already started - post at least one photo of their work.

Devil's Bridge

5. Write a paragraph about why you think that it would be fun to document that location. Tell me what interests you about that place and what kind of photos you could expect to take there.

This location is magnificent and it also makes a great photo shoot opportunity. The bridge and it's reflection on the water make a perfect circle so it's really interesting to look at. What else interests me is that during the spring, the trees bloom with flowers so the beige looks like a paradise. I would like to take seasonal photos of this place throughout the year to show how much it changes. I would also like to take pictures of the bridge closer up and the rock sticking out of the water. These close up picture would catch the detail of these pieces. 
6. Tell me what it would take for you to go and take photos at your location. What would you need as far as equipment goes, travel plans, expenses you might encounter and what laws you would have to take into consideration to take photos at your spot.
I would need a macro, distance, and basic lens along with a Cannon 60D camera. The plane ticket for the trip, and probably money to see the bridge, pay for food and hotels would also be a must. I would need to make sure not to disturb the peace of nature while taking my photographs and also make sure to be courteous to people at the bridge. 

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