Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Great Black and White Photographers: Part 3

1.) What first caught your eye while looking at your photographers photos? Is there something in particular about their photos that made you want to choose them? Post the images with your writing.
Picture 1

The things that caught my eye about the photographer's photos were the stories they told. The people and their expressions gave me a story about who they were, what they did, and how their life was. The other thing that caught my eye was the amount of purity in the photograph. The purity of the photograph makes the subject look stunning. I just love how Ansel Adams make the mood of all of his photos so calm. He shows a perfect example of the purity in the tree photograph. Walker Evans and Eugene Atget are examples of the photographers that take photos that capture a story.  

Picture 2

2.) Look at those 2 photos you posted last time in the assignment Great Black and White Photographers Part 2. Use your five senses to tell me more about those photos. Answer them on your blog.

Picture 1: A. I see the aged stone of the statue and bench about to crumble under all the years and years of stress they have been put through. The ground is covered in an almost white layer of dust. I turn and notice the bushes. Unkept and out of control, they're leaves growing out in every direction. The sent of the untreated stone comes to my nose and I sneeze from the musty fumes. I smell the fresh life like sent of the bushes. I can smell the sweet scent of the flowers down the trail they're smell soft and wonderful. The sounds of bird enter my ears, their sweet chirps and songs make me smile. I can hear the whoosh of the wind, strong and mighty. The noise of two kids playing in the nearby garden catch my attention. They're  laughing and playing. The bitter taste of the dust hits my tongue and makes me choke. I can taste the sweet apples from the trees in the garden, their fruit perfectly ripe. I taste the blue berries from the over grown bushes their pungent taste sticking to my ease buds long after I eat them. I can feel the large amount of sorrow and abandonment from the poor garden. It's old memories keeping it alive, the garden has no one left for everyone has left it. But the garden still stand for the memories are too great to let go. The garden misses all of the friends and family that used to gather there but also realizes that memories were made to remembered not relived. 

Picture 2: 
A. I see the old and distressed tree lurking in the shadows. The water is a murky brown with barley any life to it. The ancient church looks as if it will crumble any second. The sweet smell of bread wafts over from the nearby houses. The water's pungent smell gags me and smells like death. As I move closer to the church, the smell of candles surrounds me. The heavy dark sound of the church bells fills my ears. At the same time, the crows in the nearby trees squawk and fly away. The sounds of water splashing catches my attention and I look to see two boys skipping rocks across the river. The taste of dirt and mud fills my mouth as I draw closer to the river. The thick taste of wax from candles makes me cringe and pull away. The taste of water falls on my tongue as it begins to rain. I feel nothing. The feeling of loss. loss of everything. But at the same time I feel hope. The singing of the church choir bring a warm and happy feeling my mind. 

3.) Finally, what would you like to create to show the world your great photographer. Ideas include, posters, power points, a blog, etc. You tell me what you would like to create so we can come up with a plan to share your thoughts and ideas about your photographer with your classmates and with the rest of the school

A. I would love to create a college of a theme of pictures I've taken or a portfolio of all my work. Just something to layout my work all right next to each other. I also think doing a huge poster of just my work would be fun too.

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