Friday, October 3, 2014

Academic Shoot

 1. I don't think I followed the rule very well because the ramp in the photo makes the picture not as balanced as it could've been.
2. I feel the subject is the boy in the red shirt. He is an IPC student and is working on a lab for the class. I think he's the subject because he is working on the experiment and is in the top left quadrant so he follow the rule of thirds.
3. I think the subject is clear because there is empty space around him so he almost sticks out.
4. I could've taken the picture from the top of the ramp and then had the two boy on either side so the boys would be balanced better.
1. I followed this rule very well.
2. The subject is the girl looking down at her book. She is studying the book for her english test the next period.
3. Since the girl is the only person in the photo, she is main focus which makes her the very apparent subject.
4. I did follow the rule pretty well but I would've still done things differently. I would've stood on a chair behind her so I would've gotten the whole desk.


1. I don't think the rule of lines was represented very well in this photo. The lines are somewhat represented through the computer document, tiles on the floor, and the edges of the paper. 
2. The subject is the computer and the hands on the computer because they are what the girl is working on and the main objects in the photo. The subject wouldn't be the girl because she's not actually in the picture. 
3. I think subject is clear because the are a large part of the photograph.
4. I don't think I followed the rule very well because I wasn't think about the lines when I took the picture. 

Rule of Thirds
1. I feel like the rule of third was represented well in this photo.
2. The subjects are the girl's face, and her journal. She's looking down at her work so the photo would have 2 subjects.
3. I think the subject is clear because the picture is filled with the subjects.
4. I think I followed the rule very well because the both subjects are in the corners which is part of the rule of thirds.

1. I represented simplicity well in my picture.
2. The subject is the girl because she is the only person in the photo and she takes up the whole screen.
3. I think the subject is very clear because she takes up the whole photo.
4. I think I followed the rule well because whole photo is just her. there is nothing that distracts the eye from the girl.

The hand coming out from the girl is someone else's hand. If it was hers, it would have to be twisted in an unnatural way.

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