Friday, October 31, 2014

Self Portraits And Portraits Part: 1

Break the Rules of Composition
Alter Your Perspective
Take Unfocused Shots

Environmental Shots: 

I really like these picture because I love musicians. These photographs show these people's passion for music that i share with them. I chose the flute photo because I am a flute player and it really resonates with me. I chose the violin photograph because I love street musician because they're really talented and they always amaze me.

Self portraits:

I picked both of these portraits because they both are dark but ten have a pop of light or color. I really like the photo above because he is hold up his hands as if he were setting a picture. Since he's a photographer, the portrait conveys a part of him. I really like the photo on the right because as the paintbrush moves across his face, color is left in it's path. This may convey that he's an artist and painting is what "adds color to his life." Both of the portraits say something about the subject and thats what I really enjoy about them.

Photo Shoot:

I plan on shooting my friend Victoria because she is very photogenic and she will be very willing to do what I ask her. I plan on visiting Zilker Park and the botanical garden there. Taking Photos in nature is something that will look and be great. I plan on taking picture at different levels to catch more of a variety throughout the photos. I want to take pictures of her spinning on the green at Zilker on a low shutter speed so I can see the motion.  I plan taking a list of the rules of photography so I refer to them throughout the shoot. I hope this will be beneficial in taking the maximum quality pictures I can take on this shoot. I also plan to adjust the shutter speed and ISO to see what kinds of different photos I can take while on the shoot.

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