Friday, January 9, 2015

Great Portraits

click link here.

This website gave me a few tips on portrait shooting and how I can make my portraits better and more interesting. It takes about breaking certain rules, Bringing people out of their comfort zone or into it, and even how to release some of the tension of the models I photograph.
a.     Why did you pick this photo?
b.     What rules of photography do you see in the photo?
c.     Who took the photo?

a. This photo is just plain interesting and is kind of funny. It caught my eye when I was going through the website because it's random but intriguing. It also show the whole "getting people of their comfort zone" idea that the article talks about.
b. rule of thirds is present by the subject being off center in the photo. cropping is present by cropping out the man's head to focus more on the berry on his nose rather than his head.
c. A Photographer named Sebastian Anthony.

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