Thursday, January 15, 2015

Yearbook Introduction

Things that should be in every yearbook:
1. A theme on the front of the yearbook
2. The school name on the intro page.
3. Quotes from students
4. Interesting Headlines
5. well taken photos.
6. Minimal texted stories and captions
7. The theme should carry throughout the whole yearbook.
8. Yearbooks should be organized into sections based on categories
9. Clear table of contents
10. minimal amount of posed pictures
11. include each student at least once in the yearbook beside their photo.
12. change up layout of pages and try not to repeat the layouts
13. have students pose the same way in their formal pictures to keep uniformity.
14. devote different pages to different departments of the school
15. Have a color scheme and break it up so it is evenly distributed throughout the book.
16. use different fonts sparingly
17. index in the back showing which pages each student is on
18. year book was made
19. the volume # of the book
20. address of the school
21. phone number of the school
22. senior ads to fundraise the book
23. Commercial ads
24. autograph pages
25. A personal statement page

1. I am
2. Stony Point High School
3. Geometrical shapes such as circles and squares. The circles over lapping square pictures is a element that is used throughout the book. Also lines pointing from captions to pictures are also throughout the book as well.
4. 9 sections.
5. My favorite spread is the band spread.
6. yes
7. yes
8. no.
9. 2029
10. Texas

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