Friday, January 9, 2015

Model Posing

To go the website click here.

The website was a tutorial on how to pose as a model. It really stressed the fact that you had to be relaxed and natural when having picture of yourself taken. It also talked about how you should keep moving so you don't  look awkward and to forget the camera is even there. There was also a video on the website where they showed models working.

  1. What did you learn new today?
  2. How can you use this in my class later?
  3. Describe what you saw in the video.
  4. Try to figure out who made the video. If it was a photographer look them up on google and see if you can learn more about them.
  5. What did you learn new?

1.  I learned how to model which actually will help me tell people I take pictures of how to model and pose. This has always been a hard thing for me to do because I love taking pictures of people but I don't know how to tell them how to act.

2. When I go out on shoots and for projects I can now unitize these tips on the people I take photos of and it will make my photos better.

3. I saw a model in video taking photos I different outfits. It was really interesting because when she changed her clothes it was like personality changed too. Her actions reflected what she was wearing whether in was proper, crazy, funny, or dramatic.

4. The person who made the video was actually the model's husband!

5. What to tell my "models" so I can get better photos when I go out on photo shoot. This is a vital part of my photography skills and will benefit me throughout the rest of the year in this class.

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