Monday, April 13, 2015

School Uniforms

Talking about the dress code I would interview
1. AISD Superintendant
2. A teacher
3. A student


1. How will enforcing school uniforms change the environment at school?
2. What is your opinion on school uniforms being enforced?
3. Who does the school uniform help in the classroom?
4. How strict should school uniform be?
5. Why uniforms?
6. Do you think school uniforms will be effective?
7. Why or why not should school uniforms be enforced?
8. What problems are dress code violations creating in schools?
9. How do students feel about the school uniforms?
10. Is it really worth it to change dress code to school uniforms?
11. What positive effects will school uniforms have on students?
12. What Negative effects will school uniforms have on students?
13. What positive effects will school uniforms have on teachers and the classroom?
14. What negative effects will school uniforms have on teachers and the classroom?
15. Will enforcing the school uniforms make the students unable to be comfortable in the learning environment?
16. Will enforcing the school uniforms make the classroom better or worse?
17. Will enforcing the school uniforms make the students less motivated to learn?
18. Do you think the current dress codes are effective?
19. What about the school uniforms do you like?
20. What about the school uniforms do you not like?

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