Monday, April 13, 2015

My First Interview

1. What is student of the month? Award for good grades and academic attitude

2. How do you become the student of the month? Throughout the year be a good person and get good grades. Show signs of friendliness and service

3. Have you been student of the month before? No, this is my first time

4. Who else has been student of the month? George Pattelki, Jenson Akels, Richard Spite

5. What's so special about student of the month? Big recognition for the achievement 

6.  How long have you tried to be student of the month? The past three months

7. how do you feel about the achievement? It feels really good that all of my hard work finally paid off

8. has anybody helped you in your journey to this award?Yes, my best friend Anastasia always got me to study

9. How many times have you won student of the month? This is my first time

10. What do you like about being student of the month? I like the pride of knowing my hard work paid off

11. When was student of the month established? Ten Years ago 

12. What legacy do you want to leave for future students of the month? Uphold the standards of being a good student throughout high school

13. What the most important thing you do? Hangout with friends and study

14. What do you do in your free time? I read and draw

15. What's your favorite thing to do in your free time? Read Syfi and Fantasy Novels

16. What's something not may people know about you? I'm a counselor and and active member of girl scouts

17. How does your family react to you getting the award? My parents were so proud of me

18. Do you get a prize for the award? Prize of knowing I did my best

19. What classes are you taking this year? All Pre-AP classes

20. What extracurricular activities are you apart of? Girl scouts and earth club at bowie that helps the enviroment at school through various projects. 

Who – Clara Owsald
What – Student of the Month
Where – Bowie high School
When – The Month Of April 2015
Why – Achievement for Good grades and Academic Attitude
How – Show signs of friendliness and service as well as being a good person with good grades


Clara Owsald, a freshman at Bowie High School, has been awarded the April 2015 Student Of The Month award for her high academic achievement. 

Nut Graf:

Owsald has shown signs of positive academic attitude and has positively affected Bowie through her service and academic standards.

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